Choose activities you enjoy
Truthfully, the first key to making exercise a habit is to make it enjoyable (at least most of the time). Experiment with different gym memberships (most have trials!), sports, classes, and other activities. You can even pick up a hobby like roller skating or swimming. Find what’s fun!
One of my favorite things to do is to go on an outdoor walk where I intermittently sprint and stop for some body weight exercises. It makes me feel totally free, because I have complete control over what I want to do without having to plan it all out.
Switch it up
If you don’t feel like you want to stick to just one thing, find a membership that gives you some freedom in changing it up – a weightlifting gym that offers yoga classes or a membership that gives you access to multiple fitness studios. Don’t want to pay for a membership? One of my favorite things to do is to go on an outdoor walk where I intermittently sprint and stop for some body weight exercises. There’s no reason to let exercise get boring – there are so many things you can do to get your heart rate up and break a sweat!
Reward yourself for reaching weekly goals
Celebrate the small and big wins alike! Don’t wait until you reach your ultimate goal to reward yourself. Waiting to try that new restaurant? Been eyeing those perfect leggings? Set a realistic goal and reward yourself for reaching it!
Set attainable expectations
Don’t try to change everything all at once. It’s difficult to go from never working out to intense weightlifting sessions 5 days a week. That burst of motivation when you start your new exercise habit often fades with time, so you want to create a sustainable practice of moving your body that doesn’t rely on motivation. Always choose consistency over intensity. Some exercise is better than no exercise.
#MyScrubLife is a space for healthcare professionals to connect and share their stories. This blog is created by Barco Uniforms, the original scrub retailer. Founded in 1929, Barco is home to Grey’s Anatomy by Barco, Skechers by Barco, and Barco ONE collections. Everything that healthcare professionals do matters, so our scrubs are made to matter.